Liebert Engineering is a Vermont based
mechanical, electrical, plumbing and process engineering firm serving clients
in Northern New England and throughout the United States. Liebert Engineering has offices In Vermont and New Hampshire.
Liebert’s long-term focus and goal is to
become a leading East Coast building sciences and forensics firm with a focus
on energy related projects including Existing Condition Assessment, Energy
Audits, Building Codes and Energy Master Planning as well as Forensic
Consulting Engineering.
The practical purpose of building science is
to provide predictive capability for optimizing building performance and
understanding or preventing building failures or through the use of forensic engineering
analysis to determine the cause and origin of a failure. Failure may lie
in the form of a “sick” building or a severely non-performing HVAC/mechanical
building control or other environmental system.
With facilities managers increasingly focused
on bottom-line results, the lessons learned from building sciences can bring
about significant building operating and maintenance cost and energy savings.
Building Sciences is essentially a process of diagnosing facility problems and
providing solutions, employing a "holistic" view that takes into
account all the elements of a building.
Liebert Building Sciences’ Division focuses on
the following areas:
- Building and Systems Analysis
- Assessments, Energy Audits, Energy Master Plan
- Efficiency, and Conservation Planning
- Retro-Commissioning
- Forensics Investigations including Analysis
and Reporting
Their latest Building Sciences projects
University of Vermont, Waterman Building Energy Master
The University of Vermont Waterman building
existing utilities infrastructure and thermal envelope required documentation
and evaluation, and recommendations for upgrades based on a ‘Utilities
Infrastructure Study, and a Building Energy Audit”. The goal of the facility survey, assessment,
and study was to assess and document the existing, mechanical, electrical,
plumbing, fire protection, data and building control system conditions and
determine a logical and phased approach for improving and updating these
systems as a part of future and phased renovations and upgrade projects.
“Of the 14 teams invited to bid on this
UVM project, Liebert Engineering’s
depth of energy expertise and qualifications brought all the critical skills needed to successfully complete Waterman’s Energy Audit and Master
Plan.” University of Vermont Facility, Design & Construction
Central Vermont Medical Center Energy Master
LEI proposed an ASHRAE Level I / Level II
energy audit of the 214,000 ft² Central Vermont Medical Center facility
concurrent with a general facility and utility assessment, all culminating in
the development of an Energy Master Plan. The Hospital
enthusiastically embraced the proposal and hired our firm to get it done. Everyone
likes the bottom line, so our lead document in the Energy Master Plan was our
conservative estimate of energy savings and payback for the first round of
conservation and energy improvements. They were, and continue to be
excited about the potential improvements and energy savings.
“After providing us with a comprehensive
energy assessment and audit of our facilities, they did an excellent job developing our Energy Master Plan . Their recommendations will bring significant
energy savings to the hospital.” CVMC Facilities.
"The Liebert Engineering, Inc. (LEI) team has the requisite certifications, qualifications, and experience necessary to perform your infrastructure assessment,
ASHREA Levels I, II, and III Energy Audits and Energy Master Plan development. We
have successfully completed similar projects for institutions, industrial
entities as well as healthcare facilities.
To assist us in our data
collection efforts, analysis, and report writing, we employ many of our
in-house tools, instruments, and analytical devices from our building
assessment and energy auditing kit bag.
We are problem solvers, focused
on your success and dedicated to the implementation of your short and long building interm
energy management goals."
Gregory Liebert, P.E., CEM, GBE, CEA